Starting a new Lecture Notes Series on Algorithms
Youtube Lecture Playlist CreditsChannel Name: Abdul BariFaculty Name: Abdul Bari Sir
So Let Us Start to This Journey of Learning Algorithms By Lecture Notes
Daily Notes Writer Profile: Protyusha Chaudhuri
Lecture 1: Introduction to Algorithm
Lecture 2: Priori Analysis And Posteriori Testing
Lecture 3: Characteristics Of Algorithm
Lecture 4: How to Write and Analyze Algorithm
Lecture 5: Frequency Count Method
Lecture 6: Time Complexity #1
Lecture 7: Time Complexity #2
Lecture 8: Time Complexity #3
Lecture 9: Classes of Functions
Lecture 10: Compare Class of Function
Lecture 11: Asymptotic Notations Big Oh-Omega - Theta #1
Lecture 12: Asymptotic Notations Big Oh-Omega - Theta #2
Lecture 13: Properties of Asymptotic Notations
Lecture 14: Comparison of Functions #1
Lecture 15: Comparison of Functions #2
Lecture 16: Best Worst and Average Case Analysis
Lecture 17: Disjoint Set Data Structure
Lecture 18: Divide and Conquer
Lecture 19: Recurrence Relation #1
Lecture 20: Recurrence Relation #2
Lecture 21: Recurrence Relation #3
Lecture 22: Recurrence Relation #4
Lecture 23: Masters Theorem Decreasing Function
Lecture 24: Recurrence Relation Dividing Function #1
Lecture 25: Recurrence Relation Dividing Function #2
Lecture 26: Recurrence relation #3
Lecture 28: Examples for Masters Theorem
Lecture 29: Root Function(Recurrence Relation)
Lecture 30: Binary Search Iterative Method
Lecture 31: Binary Search Recursive Method
Lecture 32: Heap - Heap Sort - Heapify - Priority Queues
Lecture 33: Two Way MergSort - Iterative Method
Lecture 34: Merge Sort Algorithm
Lecture 35: MergeSort in-depth Analysis
Lecture 36: QuickSort Algorithm
Lecture 37: QuickSort Analysis
Lecture 38: Strassens Matrix Multiplication
Lecture 39: Greedy Method - Introduction
Lecture 40: Knapsack Problem - Greedy Method
Lecture 41: Job Sequencing with Deadlines - Greedy Method
Lecture 42: Optimal Merge Pattern - Greedy Method
Lecture 43: Huffman Coding - Greedy Method
Lecture 44: Prims and Kruskals Algorithms - Greedy Method
Lecture 47: MultiStage Graph - Dynamic Programming
Lecture 48: MultiStage Graph(Program) - Dynamic Programming
Lecture 54: Knapsack - Two Methods - Dynamic Programming
Lecture 55: Knapsack Problem (Program) - Dynamic Programming
Lecture 57: Optimal Binary Search Tree Successful and Unsuccessful Probability - Dynamic Programming
Lecture 59: Reliability Design - Dynamic Programming
Lecture 62: Articulation Point and Biconnected Components
Lecture 64: N Queen Problem using Backtracking
Lecture 65: Sum of Subsets Problem - Backtracking
Lecture 66: Graph Coloring Problem - Backtracking
Lecture 67: Hamiltonian Cycle - Backtracking
Lecture 68: Branch and Bound Introduction
Lecture 69: Job Sequencing with Deadline - Branch and Bound
Lecture 70: Knapsack using Branch and Bound
Lecture 71: Travelling Salesman Problem - Branch and Bound
Lecture 72: NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problems
Lecture 73: NP-Hard Graph Problem - Clique Decision Problem
Lecture 74: Knuth-Morris-Pratt KMP String Matching Algorithm
Lecture 75: Rabin-Karp String Matching Algorithm
Lecture 76: AVL Tree - Insertion Rotations
Lecture 78: Asymptotic Notations
Lecture 79: Hashing Technique
Lecture 80: Shortest Path Algorithms
Lecture 81: BFS DFS
Lecture 82: Tower of Hanoi Problem
Lecture 83: Row-Mjor and Coloumn-mjaor Mapping
Lecture 84: Merge Sort Algorithm
Thank you!