Wave Optics Concept Page - 2

Different kinds of waveforms
  1. The wavefronts of a wave originating from a point source are spherical.
  2. The wavefronts of a wave going along a fixed direction are planes perpendicular to that direction.
Shape of emergent wavefront when plane wavefront is incident on an optical instrument
For a point source of light, the shape of wavefront can be considered to be plane at very large distance from the source. If a point source of light is placed at the focus of a thin spherical lens, then the shape of the wavefront for emerged light may be plane. The shape of the wavefront for the light incident on a thin spherical lens (kept in vacuum) is plane, the shape of the wavefront corresponding to emergent light would be always spherical. And according to convention, direction of wave propagation is along the normal to wavefront.The wavefront of a point source of light is spherical. A sphere with large radius is like a plane at its surface. Thus for a point source of light, the shape of wavefront can be considered to be plane at very large distance from the source. Beam of light from a point source emerges parallel to principle axis when kept at focus of a thin spherical lens. Thus the wavefront emergent from the lens is planar.
Reflection using Huygen's principle
A plane wave AB is incident at an angle i on a reflecting surface MN. If v represents the speed of the wave in the medium and if Ï„ represents the time taken by the wavefront to advance from the point B to C then the distance
BC = vÏ„
In order the construct the reflected wavefront we draw a sphere of radius vÏ„ from the point A. Let CE represent the tangent plane drawn from the point C to this sphere. Obviously
AE = BC = vÏ„
If we now consider the triangles EAC and BAC we will find that they are congruent and therefore, the angles i and r would be equal. This is the law of reflection.
Refraction using Huygen's principle
Let PP' represent the surface separating medium 1 and medium 2, and v1 and v2 represent the speed of light in the mediums. We assume a plane wavefront AB propagating in the direction A'A incident on the interface at an angle i. Let Ï„ be the time taken by the wavefront to travel the distance BC. Thus,
In order to determine the shape of the refracted wavefront, we draw a sphere of radius v2Ï„ from the point A in the second medium. Let CE represent a tangent plane drawn from the point C on to the sphere. Then, AE = v2Ï„ and CE would represent the refracted wavefront. If we now consider the triangles ABC and AEC, we readily obtain
where i and r are the angles of incidence and refraction, respectively.
Substituting the values of v1 and v2 in terms of n1 and n2 we get the Snell's Law:
Describe the drawbacks of Huygen's Wave Theory
The limitations of Huygens Wave Theory of Light are as follows:
  • It could not explain rectilinear propagation of light
  • It could not explain phenomenon of polarisation of light and phenomenon like Compton Effect, photoelectric effect.
  • Michelson and Morley experiment concluded that there is no ether drag when earth moves through it. This proves ether doesnt exist. All the other attempts to detect luminiferous ether failed, which proves that luminiferous ether does not exist.
Effect on wavelength of light in medium change
When a light ray goes from one medium to another its frequency remain invariable.
velocity: v=νλ
The velocity changes from medium to medium and hence wavelength to the proportion of velocity also changes since the frequency is constant.
Calculation of Optical Path
Example: When a thin film of thickness t is placed in the path of light wave emerging out of the slit, then find the increase in the length of optical path.

So, increase in length is Î¼tt

Write and use equation of apparent frequency for Doppler effect in light
Equation of apparent frequency for Doppler's effect in light is same as in sound.
Apparent frequency Î½=c+vrc+vsν0
vr : Velocity of Receiver
vs : Velocity of Source
c : Velocity of Light

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